Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snowy days in february......

the ingredients....

finished product....

olivia has been home from school for a couple of days this week due to snow!!!! so what to do w/ all our time?????? (as if a mom ever has "spare time") BUT! with valentine's day coming up this weekend, and olivia's class having a party, it was a great opportunity to make valentines! so i found this cute little homemade valentine to make, out of a magazine my mother-in-law got for me! (thanks denise!) how stinkin's cute our these!!! and since olivia loves crafts, this seemed like such a fun idea!!!??? so remember n&s's birthday cakes i made????? and how cool of an idea it seemed, but in the end it took like 8 hrs to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!? well.....these didn't take 8 hrs, but they certainly required ALOT more work than i originally thought, when we decided to do them :( even though we only needed 20 or so requires three cut out hearts per flower, PLUS 2 circles! so guess who got to cut out everything????? (admist my repainting the living room project)
but......i have vowed to start spending more quality time with my kids. and time spent doing something that each one loves to do. and for olivia.....crafts are something she loves to do.....and quality time is her love language. so in the's all worth it, and she loved putting them together and is anxious to give them to her classmates!!!

so HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all! hope you have a special weekend :)

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About Me

well....where do i begin?? i have never done a "blog" before, and don't know if this is even for me. but a few friends, and one very persistant sister-in-law(esther)really encouraged me to start some sort of "blog" or any place online, to share photos i have taken. so i thought, what the heck!? most everyone knows that photography has been a hobby of mine for a few years now. so with lots of practice, lots of failing, lots of reading and googling, i feel like little by little i'm getting a little better all the time. and part of the reason for getting better, is because of the famous gina..... whom EVERYONE loves and knows, she has been letting me pick her brain for tips and tricks. also, kris, who i met online after joining a photography forum, who happens to be an awesome wedding phogtographer, she has been a TON of help as well! since i have 3 children, my goal is to be able to truly capture, like a professional can capture, the pure innocence and fun of my children. (and i get it for free!) and, since i have lots of wonderful friends & family, i get to practice on them, too!